23 Jul 2011


I går købte jeg det seneste nye nummer af EUROWOMAN. Det er virkelig et godt sammensæt af mode, beauty og artikler denne gang! Så hvis I endnu ikke har købt det og det lyster, så kan jeg godt anbefale det.
I dag har jeg læst mig igennem beauty siderne, her elsker jeg at finde inspiration til mine rutiner og ikke mindst at blive fristet til nye produkter jeg absolut MÅ eje eller afprøve :)
Hvad er jeres yndlings magasin? Og hvilke sider finder I mest interessante og inspirerende?

Yesterday I bought the Danish Fashion Magazine EUROWOMAN! I haven't bought it in a while because I have been trying out other magazines such as ELLE and COSTUME. I think COSTUME always will be my most favourite, but it's always nice to switch it up a bit and to be HONEST I couldn't resist the COVER with Helena Christensen. She is SO beautiful and I find her very interesting as a person.
Today I went through the beauty pages and I love to find new products and inspiration for my make-up and beauty rutines.
What are your favourite pages of a magazine??

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