Jeg sidder på min skoles bibliotek lige nu og skal skrive opgave hele dagen, i aften skal jeg til et møde og ved ikke helt hvor længe og sådan det tager, men i hvert fald hører I nok ikke mere fra mig i dag herinde. Skal dog nok svare på jeres kommentarer i løbet af dagen/aftenen. Det er lang tid siden at jeg har postet et outfit indlæg, så imorges nåede jeg lige at tage et par billeder, inden jeg tog afsted. Det skal lige siges, at jeg blev nød til at tage endnu en sweater på mig inden jeg gik :)
Hey wonderful you! It is super super cold in Stockholm today, the coldest it has been since I moved here, so I am freezing!! But fortunately I got some lovely silk tights for my birthday and they are seriously saving me on a day like today :) So comfortable to wear and the easily fit underneath my other tights from H&M - Perfect! I am at School working on an essay I have to hand in soon, so I will be busy with that all day and tonight I have a meeting, so I don't think I'll post more today, but I'll try and answer your comments though.
It's been a while since I posted an outfit, but today I had the time to capture my outfit before I left for school.. Here is what I am wearing today.. I did put another warm sweater on my though before I left :)